Checking Minimum requirements

Checking requirements
  1. Need PHP version >=5.6.4
  2. Mcrypt Extension is required
  3. PDO_MYSQL Extension is required
  4. MbString Extension is required
  5. JSON module required
  6. GD Extension required
  7. PDO Extension required
  8. CURL Extension required
  9. OpenSSL Extension required
  10. Tokenizer Extension required
  11. XML Extension required
  12. Checking allow_url_fopen settings
  13. 'storage' directory should be writable
  14. 'content' directory should be writable
  15. 'config.php' file should be writable
  16. '.htaccess' file should be uploaded

Sorry! You are missing some requirements

'.htaccess' file not uploaded
The .htaccess file is missing in your installation. It is in the script folder which you unzipped from the SocioQuiz package. It might be a hidden file if you are using Mac or Linux as the filename starts with a dot. You might have to change your view settings to see it.

Get them fixed

Contact your hosting provider to fix them if possible or move to a different host that meets all the requirements stated above.